At the time of writing (late November), the international community as a whole had been facing an epic challenge for several months, that represented by the Covid-19 virus, comparable in geographical size and number of victims to a war conflict.

To date, the pandemic has affected around 60 million people worldwide, causing over a million deaths and the already tragic toll is unfortunately destined to worsen over the next few weeks. In fact, once the laboratory tests have been completed, only the generalized use of the vaccine can lead to the desired reversal of the trend, but this is a scenario that is not immediately feasible.

We are well aware of the Italian situation due to the fact that we experience it every day in the workplace (for those who have the good fortune to have maintained their position), in social relations and in family areas. Such a situation appears to be "weighed down" further by the very long and trying period that the country is going through. Except for a brief, and unfortunate, interruption, it has been spreading since last spring. If we assume that the emergence of some manifestation of impatience is understandable under these circumstances then the appeal cannot fail to reach out to the sense of responsibility of each of us and to the priority in agreeing on measures capable of protecting not only our own health but also that of family members and those around us.

In a context historically different from ours, in the midst of World War II to be more precise, but not dissimilar in terms of the importance of the challenge to be faced, the British statesman Sir Winston Churchill launched a vibrant appeal to "look beyond the horror and destruction of fighting" to imagine the Europe of tomorrow, made up of states free from all forms of oppression and peacefully living together. Projected for 2021 and beyond, our hope with the same conviction is aimed at a planet freed both from the murderous tyranny of Covid-19 and from other epidemics that may continue to afflict it.

To achieve this goal, we will certainly make use of the moral support of "Maria Dolens". Through her daily tolls, our Bell will continue to convey messages of peace, solidarity and hope to those who, regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture or language, are willing to accept them and make them their own.

The approach of the end of year festivities enriches the authoritative voice from Colle di Miravalle with further significance, also providing me with the welcome opportunity to extend my most sincere wishes to all readers.

Although different from those we are used to, since they are inevitably less rich in light, sound, color and flavor, the most authentic values ​​will not fail to emerge from these upcoming holidays and of this I am convinced. In particular, those of an intimate and profound spirituality and a generous solidarity among family members. To these values, let us strive to add, on our part, an optimistic vision of tomorrow, inspired by the image, complete with the inseparable cigar and bowler hat, of that courageous British statesman. Reggente Marco Marsilli, Foundation President


"Reggente" Marco Marsilli, Foundation President

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