Friday 29th June, at 20:00
Free entrance until there is no more space.
For the first time of its hisstory, the SAT Choir will climb to Colle di Miravalle to hold a concert.
It will be a very special evening which we could live on the next Friday 29th June to the Campana dei Caduti of Rovereto.
Protagonist will be nothing less than the SAT Choir that for the first time in its long history it will climb on Colle di Miravalle to propose its marvelous repertory in front of Maria Dolens. The concert, beginning to the hours 20.00 with free entry, inaugurate the summer review "The Fridays to the Bell" that up to September it will see to alternate various concerts to the shade of the Campana dei Caduti.
The SAT Choir was officially born to Trento May 25 th 1926, for work for its brothers Pedrotti and for some friends. Since the beginning they undertook a work of recovery of the whole patrimony of popular songs, particularly of the Trentino, personally taking care of the first harmonization. Formation is considered the most prestigious choir of mountain, whose interpretations have made school in Italy.
The music is a universal peace language for excellence: here because the Opera Campana dei Caduti Foundation it has been promoting for some years the review "The Fridays to the Bell" that of time in time it always recalls a numerous public.
The musical trip that the SAT Choir will propose Friday is mainly tied to the theme of the Great War with the most meaningful passages of the repertory been born inside the trenches and on the front. Sui monti fioccano, Monte Canino, Sui Monti Scarpazi, La Bergèra, only to quote the most famous songs. The passages will be proposed in the harmonized versions by the "great" that they have worked for the SAT, from Luigi Pigarelli to Andrew Mascagni, from Renato Dionisi and Arthur Blessed Michelangeli.