Respect for human rights. This is how, we could summarize the objectives of the Italian presidency of the Council of Europe, which began with the handover from Hungary during a meeting in Strasbourg on 17 November in the presence of representatives of the 47 member states. After more than twenty years, Rome is once again addressing the priorities of the continent's main international organization that deals with democracy and the rule of law. Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio attended the ceremony by announcing that the program for the next six months includes more than thirty events (listed in these pages) and is divided into three main areas. The first objective will be to reinforce the promotion of human rights, with special attention to women and young people particularly exposed to violations and discrimination that have worsened in the context of the pandemic. Secondly, Italy's intention is to encourage a common commitment to the shared values and principles of the Council of Europe, focusing attention on the protection of cultural heritage as an instrument for promoting the common identity of the member states, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion. Finally, Rome intends to focus on the issue of the risks and opportunities that the development and use of artificial intelligence pose to human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
During the ceremony, Di Maio also presented the celebratory stamp dedicated to the six-month presidency. A special tram in the colours of the Italian flag was also inaugurated, which will be active in Strasbourg until May 2022.
«In the same year of the presidency of the G20 and the co-presidency of the CoP26, for our country it is another occasion of prestige and responsibility», wrote Di Maio in a Facebook post, highlighting how Italy intends to «build a future that has people at the centre».
06-07 December 2021 | Rome | Conference on integrity and sport |
10 December 2021 | Rome | CIDU Human rights award |
13-14 December 2021 | Venice | Conference of the Ministers of Justice on “Crime and Criminal Justice – The role of restorative justice in Europe” |
24-28 January 2022 | Strasbourg | First-Part Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) |
24-25 January 2022 | Pisa | Joint meeting of the working groups on “quality of justice” (CEPEJ-GT-QUAL) and on “cyber justice” (CEPEJ-GTCYBERJUST) of the European Commission for Efficiency of Justice” (CEPEJ) |
03 February 2022 | Vienna | Presentation of Presidency’s priorities to the OSCE Permanent Council |
22 February 2022 | online | Conference on Health Equity and Social Resilience |
23 February 2022 | Rome | Award ceremony of the students’ contest “The Semester of the Italian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe” |
15-18 March 2022 | Rome | Plenary meeting of CDADI (Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion), preceded by a highlevel institutional segment |
19 March 2022 | Rome | LGBT focal points meeting |
23 March 2022 | Rome | “School ReGeneration” event on education for environmental sustainability at schools |
14-25 March 2022 | New York | Side Event on the occasion of the Commission on Status of Women (CSW) of the United Nations |
22-24 March 2022 | Strasbourg | Participation in the 41st session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities by the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomy Maria Stella Gelmini |
28 March 2022 | Rome | Event on “Business and human rights” |
30 March 2022 | Rome | Event on a multidisciplinary approach for the age assessment of unaccompanied migrant children |
30 March 2022 | Strasbourg | Ministerial meeting on the role of culture, heritage and landscape for sustainable development and democracy |
04 April 2022 | Rome | High level event on the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights |
06 April 2022 | Rome | Event “Citizens and science as a tool to strengthen democracy” |
07-08 April 2022 | Rome | High-level launching conference for the new Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027) |
11-14 April 2022 | Turin | Youth Forum “Education for human rights and democratic citizenship of the Council of Europe in the post-pandemic” |
12 April 2022 | Rome | High level event on work-life balance in the perspective of women empowerment |
22 April 2022 | Rome | Lectio magistralis of the President of the European Court of Human Rights Robert Spano |
25-29 April 2022 | Strasbourg | Second-Part Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) |
05-06 May 2022 | Palermo | Meeting of the Prosecutors General of the Council of Europe “Prosecutors between independence and accountability” |
12-13 May 2022 | Strasbourg | Conference in “Octopus” format on the Cybercrime Convention and opening for signature of the second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention |
17-18 May 2022 | Rome | Permanent Correspondents of the Pompidou Group meeting with a special segment on “rape drugs” and sexual violence against women |
20 May 2022 | Italy | Committee of Ministers at ministerial level |

The celebratory stamp dedicated to the six-month Presidency of Italy

Artificial intelligence will be one of the issues that Italy will put on the agenda at the Council of Europe