The 99th flag on the Colle hill
Fáilte is written everywhere. It means "welcome" in Gaelic and is found constantly, from the entrance to people’s homes to that of the pubs. The Irish are welcoming. On 20 October, the Bell of the Fallen returned the favour and welcomed the Dublin authorities who have officially joined the Peace Memorandum. The flag of the Republic of Ireland was number 99 to be hoisted on the Miravalle Hill. The tricolour was presented by Ambassador Colm Ó Floinn who highlighted the fact that "since Ireland became part of the free nations of the world, our approach to international relations has been guided by the same principles that have inspired the philosophy of Father Rossaro and of all those who have worked to promote the "Peace Bell Foundation of Rovereto" since his time". "Today's ceremony is held in one of the most significant and evocative places in terms of peace paths", the Government Commissioner for the Province of Trento, Sandro Lombardi, pointed out, while "Reggente" Alberto Robol emphasized "our Bell is also a warning for what man does against man in the world, in the destruction of the climate, in the spread of inequalities". Maria Dolens' hundred strokes of peace concluded the ceremony.

Republic of Ireland Ambassador Colm Ó Floinn